Apr 20, 2010

Example of life

I was sitting in the waiting room of a Railway Station when I saw a 4 year old child screaming and fighting with his father to buy him an ice cream. The father diverted his attention and gave him a bunch of toffees. The doctor had prohibited ice cream because of the child’s illness, so the father could not fulfil his beloved child’s wish. He loved his child more than anyone and he knew that ice cream could affect his child’s health. They had come to the city to visit a Paediatrics specialist and were now on their way home.

The father tried to give his child medicine but the son was crying and not willing to take it as he did not like the taste. The father told him that if he did not take the medicine, he will not be able to have ice cream. Unwillingly the child took the medicine with tightly closed eyes. In the meantime the train arrived and they set off to their home.

After witnessing this incident I realised how great the love of Allah Almighty is. It is said that Allah has distributed one percent of the love among His creatures, which includes the love of Messengers and Prophets for their Ummah, Parent’s love for their children, love of spouse for each other etc; and has kept ninty nine percent with Himself. It is also stated in Hadith that if a kafir (non muslim) came to know about Allah’s love for him he would not be able to bear it and his heart would break into pieces. That is why it is not necessary that every wishes is fulfilled in this world. when we request and supplicate to Allah, Allah knows the after effects of our wishes and desires, He accordingly fulfils or delays them.

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhi Allaho anho) narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said, "Almighty Allah says, 'I treat my slave (man) according to his expectations from Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me, If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart; if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a better and nobler gathering (i.e. of angels). If he comes closer to Me by one span, I go towards him a cubit's length, if he comes towards Me by a cubit's length, I go towards him an arm's length, and if he walks towards Me, I run unto him."

In the above incident, the waiting room is the world we live in, for an unknown period since we do not know when the angel of death arrives, like a train, to take us to our destiny.

Medicine is the advice that given by our elders and friends which does not taste well but, surely, contains the heeling effect (refreshes Imaan).

Ice cream and cold drinks are the things/acts that are forbidden. They seem very tasteful and pleasent but have adverse effects on our health (Imaan). These things will surely be allowed in Jannah in the most pure form.

Bunch of toffees are the things/acts allowed in this world which may apparently look small (shaitan shows the rewards as small as he can, so that we ignore the good deeds saying it is not so important or it is ordinary) but do not harm the health (Imaan).

It is my request to the readers to repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness of Him. He loves granting forgiveness.

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