Apr 16, 2010

A Place to Remember

Chances are by the time ur readin this article ur sitting in ur home. Your home is on planet Earth. Earth is a rocky planet i.e. that the solid parts of this planet are made up of rocks. Now imagine a place where there are no rocks, no trees, no buildings no humans. A place not made up of rock but rather fire. Everywhere you look you see endless plumes of fire. Fire so intense and extreme that anything that approaches it melts. This fire has been burning for billions upon billions of years, and usually the older the fire the hotter it gets (given it still has fuel to burn). And this place has plenty of fuel! Its ginormous! So huge that it can engulf millions of Earths, googillions of humans. Googillion, by the way, is a really really really really really big number. This place is so huge if u throw someone in this endless sea of fire it takes them eternity to reach the very bottom (if there actually is a bottom). And the temperature! ohh the temperature! well as a human once u cross 100°C (the boiling point of water, 70-80% of the human body is water) adding more degrees becomes pointless because you’re already dead! this place has temperatures not in hundreds but thousands.... the deeper u go the hotter it gets. Now imagine that you have to live on this godforsaken fireball for all eternity! Would you want to go and live there? Or would you do everything within you human power to avoid such a fate?

Well if at any time you thought that the place I just described was the hell fire then sorry but I was only talking about the Sun. Yeah that round thing you see in the sky everyday! Hell is much hotter than this.... much much hotter. How hot? well the temperatures in Quasars can reach upto billions of degrees and hell is still hotter than those... so.... The other problem with this scenario is eternity. If a human was to fall on the surface of the sun they would be dead long before they reach anywhere close to it...but not so in the case of hell fire. You never die in hell but you do melt! and every time you melt your given a new skin to feel the pain all over again. And this will go on and on and on and on and on and on.....(you get the picture).

ALLAH didn’t really have to create hellfire, the sun would have sufficed! but HE did and is I said earlier hell is much hotter than the sun! maybe HE just put that ball of fire there so that we can use it to imagine how terrible a place hellfire truly is !

I want (rather need) you to remember that there is a special place in hell specifically reserved for “baynamazi”. And obviously if we are talking about baynamazis then it means muslims who have forgotten their namaz and not the kafireen. Pl don’t lie to yourself by saying everything is going to be fine for me in the hereafter even if I don’t offer my farz namaz, all will be forgiven ... etc ... if you don’t offer your prayers you have more than 50% chance of ending up in hell. (I’m not going to go into the details cuz that will increase the length of this article and then people would ignore it...cuz who has the time!) ... so the question is, are you willing to take that chance? the chance of ending up in hell? If there was a 50% chance that the house your sitting in right now can blow up any minute...will you remain where you are? or would you rather get up and run?

So next time you feel like saying “kapray nai saaf”, “dil nai karta”, “Raat aisee guzri kay namaz nai parh saktay”, “agli parh lain gay”, “kazaa kar lain gay” etc. just stare at the summer sun at midday for a min or two...its 149.6 million kilometres away from you and much cooler than hell fire and still its unbearable ! boiling water at around 100°C and surely undrinkable !

To improve your chances of avoiding this all you have to do is start offering farz namaz from right now .... before it’s too late.

Namaz parhoo iss say pehlay kay tumaree namaz parhi jai... JazakALLAH for reading.

Apr 13, 2010

Virtues of Zikr 3

Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said to his companions, "Shall I tell you of something that is the best of all deeds, constitutes the best act of piety in the eyes of your Lord, will elevate your status in the Hereafter, and carries more virtue than the spending of gold and silver in the service of Allah or taking part in jihaad and slaying or being slain in the path of Allah."
The Companions begged to be informed of such an act. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied, "It is the zikr of Almighty Allah."

Virtues of Zikr 2

Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said,
"The contrast between a person who glorifies Almighty Allah and one who does not remember Him is like that between the living and the dead."
[Bukhari, Muslim]

Virtues of Zikr 1

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhi Allaho anho) narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said,
 "Almighty Allah says, 'I treat my slave (man) according to his expectations from Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me, If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart; if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a better and nobler gathering (i.e. of angels). If he comes closer to Me by one span, I go towards him a cubit's length, if he comes towards Me by a cubit's length, I go towards him an arm's length, and if he walks towards Me, I run unto him."
 [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirimzi]

Apr 12, 2010

Virtues of Salaat 4

Hadhrat Abu Usman (Radhi Allaho anho) says:

"I was once sitting under a tree with Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhi Allaho anho). He caught hold of a dry branch of the tree and shook it till all its leaves fell off. He then said to me, "0, Abu Uthman! (Radhi Allaho anho) Will you not ask me why I am doing this?" "Do tell me," I entreated. He said, "The Apostle of Allah had done exactly like this before me, while I was with him under a tree. He caught a dry branch of it and shook it, till all its leaves fell off". At this he said:
'0, Salmaan! (Radhi Allaho anho) will you not ask me why I am doing this?' I replied: 'Do tell me why you are doing this?' He remarked: "Verily when a Muslim takes wudhu properly and then observes his salaat five times a day, his sins fall off just as these leaves have fallen off. He (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) then recited the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:

[Meaning] "Establish salaat at the two ends of the day, and at the approaches of the night. Verily, good deeds annul ill deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful. (XI: 114)"

[Ahmad, Nisai, Tibrani]

Virtues of Quran 5

Ibn-e-Umar (Radhi Allaho anho) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, “Hasad (jealousy) is not permitted except of two persons- one whom Allah blesses with recitation of Quran and he remains engaged in it day and night, and the other who is given a lot of wealth by Allah and he spends it day and night.”
[Bukhari, Tirimzi]

Virtue of Quran 4

Aisha (Radhi Allaho anha) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said,”One who is well versed in the Quran will be in the company of those angels who are scribes, noble and righteous; and one who falters in reading the Quran and has to exert hard learning, gets double the reward. ”
[Bukhari, Muslim]