Mar 16, 2010

Virtues of Quran 3

Hadrat Uqbah ibn-e-Aamir (Radhi Allaho anho) has said :
 “Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) came to us while we were sitting on the ‘Suffah’ and asked if anyone of us would like to go to the market of ‘Buthan’ or ‘Aqiq’ and fetch from there two she-camels of the finest breed without committing any sin or severing a tie of kinship. We replied that everyone of us would love to do so. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) then said going to the Masjid and reciting or teaching two ayaat of Quran is more precious than two she-camels, three ayaat are more precious than three she-camels, and that similarly recitiing or teaching of four ayaat is better than four she-camels and an equal number of she-camels ”
 [Muslim, Abu daood]

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