Mar 28, 2010

Life of Muhammad (salallaho alaihe wasalam) 3/Last

Very shortly she returned him to Aminah, his mother. Aminah found out from Halima about the events that had taken place. Aminah assured Halima that Muhammad was not under the influence from any devil or jinn but even when she was expecting him she had seen great marvels and miracles. Aminah also stated that at the time of her son’s birth she felt a light that had emergerd from her body which illuminated East and West. Muhammad was returned to the care of his mother Aminah and continued to live with her and Barakah.

Barakah was a slave girl when Abdullah passed away she looked after Aminah and later took care of Muhammad. She was dedicated to looking after Muhammad her whole life. She also loved him immensely and was with him throughout his sadness and joys. Muhammad also had great respect and love for this woman.

Muhammad (salallaho alaihe wasalam) was a remarkable individual from his early life. Recounting the days of his childhood, Halima Saadia says,
“He did justice right from the begining. He sucked milk only from one side leaving the other for his foster brother Abdullah. His growth was better than other children he seemed bigger than his age. Everyone was struck with the innocence and charm of his personality. His face radiated like full moon in darkness. He went out to play with other boys, but he would not take part in untidy activities. He was very helpful and cooperative from the very begining. At the age of three he began to go with his foster brother Abdullah to graze the goats”.

When Muhammad was six years old, he accompanied Aminah and Umm-e-Aimen on a trip to Yathrib. This was a chance for Muhammad to become acquainted with his uncles in Yathrib and also to see the grave of his father, whom he had never met. On his journey, Aminah told Muhammad about his father and his uncles but when they got there, Aminah became ill and also passed away. To him the world may have seemed to be filled with darkness to see his mother being commited to the earth. Muhammad (salallaho alaihe wasalam) and Bakarah both returned in tears and Abdul Muttalib began to look after this orphaned child. This was the second tragedy to strike this six-year-old child. His father passed away before he was born and now his mother had also passed away! Perhaps being an orphan was necessary for to be independent, selfreliant, selfconfident, to be able to stand on his feet to face the world and lead it all alone.

He came under the guardianship of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib had loved Abdullah so much and had been greatly saddened when Abdullah passed away. Abdul Muttalib often took Muhammad to the Ka'bahwith him. When Abdul-Muttalib used to lie on the couch near the Ka'bah, Muhammad was always near him sitting on the mattress. Hence, Muhammad came under the care of this kind and generous old man, his grandfather. Although Muhammad had suffered so much tragedy in his life, he never felt that he wasn’t loved. His grandfather surrounded him with love and looked after him as if he was his own son.

However, this love would not last for long. Another great catastrophe was ready to strike. When Muhammad was eight years old, Abdul Muttalib passed away. At his deathbed Abdul Muttalib handed him over unto the care of Abu Talib, who was his real uncle. Abu Talib was by no means rich but was a kind and generous fellow. He was respected by all the tribes that lived in Makkah. Abu Talib was a man of great wisdom and merit.

Living with Abu Talib Muhammad (salallaho alaihe wasalam) tried to make sure that he was not burden to his uncle. He used to graze goats and camels to support his uncle. This proved him to be a responsible and honest person. Also by grazing goats in the rugged mountain hills of Makkah, he acquired close knowledge of the surrounding areas which proved of great importance in the latter years of struggle for islam. All the prophets were shepherds before they were given prophethood. He did have a loving guardian and was offered much love and friendship by Abu Talib's family. This he appreciated for the rest of his life.

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